Saturday, September 28, 2019

Slow down

Ricki did not sleep well because of  her pain.  They finally got her on a good pain management regimen and she is doing a little better today and is taking plenty of naps.  Prior to the surgery Ricki decided she wanted to have sloths as her theme for her hospital stay.  In a rushed and hurried world we live in it has been interesting how much I am learning from Ricki as she jokingly tells me to slow down because she is a sloth and goes at a slower pace. We have had fun collecting sloths and Ricki drew a beautiful sloth holding out a rose as if giving it to the viewer of the picture.  I love this picture because it not only reminds me to slow down but to be kind.  

 It was interesting when they moved Ricki from the ICU to the NTU,  Ricki and I were coloring and the nurse walked in with the tech and just started unplugging everything and moving the bed out the door. It surprised us because Dr. Brockmeyer had come in earlier and said Ricki would have her MRI before we moved to the NTU so we were caught off guard.  I reminded the nurse that we needed to slow and and move like a "sloth"  but  she didn't I sensed she was stressed  and it ended really throwing us all for a loop as we were frantically trying to gather everything up and not forget anything.  Even as they were rolling Ricki's bed down the hallway there was confusion as to what room they were taking her. (The room they had written on the paper was to the infant unit) That would not have been a good thing having an incredible headache and having sweet babies in pain crying... Not a good combo. 

 Long story short I learned a good lesson this morning that even when we feel in a hurry we need to take a breath and slow down.  Everyone benefits.  My dad over the years always loved sharing what he was learning from the scriptures and I have always remembered him telling me you never read anywhere that the Savior was rushed or in a hurry yet he went about accomplishing great things and blessing many.  

Going through this Journey with Ricki is challenging but we continue to be blessed as we learn much from Ricki and her sweet example of endurance and patience and even the value of slowing down. 

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