Sunday, April 30, 2017

Recurssion Pharmaceuticals

Ricki just finished an amazing weekend!  Recursion Pharmaceuticals ask her to speak at their symposium and it is a sweet experience she will never forget. 
Words can't express the overwhelming love and support we felt from all the amazing and talented individuals that were gathered together at the Recursion Pharmaceuticals Symposium. They all had one purpose- To expedite the process in finding treatments for the many who are affected by rare disorders. All the individuals we met had come to work for the company because of their passion to do something that would make a difference. They had such burning desires to help children like Ricki who are diagnosed with something rare with no treatments or cures. It gave us such feelings of hope as we sat and listened to their excitement and love of what they were doing. Even on the bus rides to and from activities we would here them discussing what they were working on. What a comfort it is knowing there are people out there working so hard to help not only our daughter but the many out there like our sweet Ricki. 

Ricki always amazes us how she can pull it together and function on borrowed energy. When we got back to the hotel she crashed and was sound asleep before she had even taken off her coat. We look forward to the day we find the solutions and treatments and she can enjoy days like this on a regular basis and not have them totally exhaust all that she has to give.