Sunday, February 23, 2014

No more headbands!

This past week a sweet hairstylist Julie, from Serendipity Salon in Logan offered to do Ricki's hair.  Ricki has sported hats and hair bands to cover up where she has had surgery.  Her first surgery required them to shave  a 2 inch wide band of her hair from ear to ear.  Her 2nd surgery required a wider band of hair to be shaved on the right side of her head from her ear all the way up the side of her head. As a determined teenager Ricki has done a great job with her hair using headbands so it was not obvious. As her hair has grown out she has tried several things but her hair would just lay funny because of all the different lengths and thicknesses she had going on and would go back to a headband.

After getting her hair done she was so excited! No hair bands and her hair looked beautiful! I stopped counting the times she said that it was nice to feel "normal" again.  The smile on her face is worth a thousand words!  Thank you Julie for helping my daughter feel normal after some pretty crazy months in her life!