Saturday, February 21, 2015

Small Steps

"In my distress I cried out unto The Lord, and he heard me." (Psalm 120.)
In October Ricki started having chronic migraines that have been going on now for 4 months. Over half the days of the months she has had migraine headaches.   It has broken our hearts as we have searched and prayed for solutions for our sweet daughter.  After our last trip to the ER Rick and I wept together not knowing what to do.  Over the last week we have slowly started to see some answers to the many prayers that have been said in her behalf.  We have wanted a quick fix to her pain but have had to come to the realization that it is just something that is going to take time and patience. Last week we met with a wonderful Dr. here in Logan that is helping us with a nutritionist and physical therapist and then Ricki had an appointment with a wonderful and compassionate neurologist. He helped us realize that it will be a slow process and helped us set our sites on the smaller steps of her recovery. 

Thursday, February 12, 2015


Ricki tries to keep upbeat and positive and she seems to find something each day to smile and laugh about. She has had a headache for the past  2 1/2 weeks and even with the lights hurting her eyes and the sound of people chewing food irritating  she ends each day with a smile and a hug. We sure love her sweet spirit! 

We haven't been able to figure out how to manuever around in the medical world to get Ricki the helps she needs.  It is developing our patience as we call and leave messages...wait, call back, wait again...trying to help her find some answers and relief from the migraines. 

Tomorrow will be a new day and we will keep trying our best to help Ricki and I am confident when the timing is right we will be blessed with the answers and help she needs.