Monday, September 30, 2019


It has been a long few days and we are excited to be going home!  Each hospital visit always come with little tender mercies and a little fun.  Ricki's sloth theme has been fun and it has brought a lot of smiles to those who come into her room..  Angels have been good to look after Ricki and she has always got to get some visits with dogs during her stays. And most important she has had some pretty amazing nurses and techs that have been so attentive and good to Ricki.  Three days in a row we were blessed with the same amazing nurse.  That rarely happens and we enjoyed getting to know Kylee.  One tender mercy was they got all sorts of stuff from the surgery in her hair and Ricki was having a tough time with her head feeling so dirty and not being able to wash her hair till the end of the week.  Kylee and our sweet tech got instructions from neuro-surgery and carefully used a bottle of distilled water and washed parts of Ricki's hair to help her feel better.  The tender mercies and kind acts can't all be listed. In our church meeting we attended yesterday someone spoke and was telling us how her friend that would come and visit commented what a reverent and special spirit she felt when she came.  The mothers response was that she was confident the Savior himself walked these halls because he loves the little children so much.  We have felt his love and the tender mercies that many here are so inspired to give.  We are grateful for such good care and are happy they have got Ricki in a position to go home!

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