Sunday, April 26, 2015

Soo tired

Much has happened in the past month. Tonight however we find ourselves at Primary Children's hospital again with not a lot if answers. Friday Ricki began by having these twitches in her arm that she couldn't control. We had a family gathering planned for the weekend and thought she would be fine. Saturday she wasn't feeling great. She was having a migraine which unfortunately has become a "normal" thing for Ricki.  Her arm had a few periods of twitches again. Sunday we visited a ward in Midway  where we were staying. We attended sacrament meeting and Ricki started feeling sick. Another "normal" thing in her life. When we got back to the apartment there in Heber she acted like she was going to pass out so we got her on the couch. Ricki began twitching it started with one arm then two then her legs and eventually her head and it seemed as if she was having a seizure. She had several and each one seemed to get worse. After speaking with the neurologist on call at Primary  Children's we determined we needed to get Ricki to the ER there at Heber. There is nothing harder than watching your sweet daughter tossing about and not being able to even hold her...Rick had to carry her to the car because she was unable to walk.  After being at the ER for a time they gave us the option of going home or transferring to Primary Children's. It was easy to chose and we opted to transfer her. We are at Primary's hospital, she is still having these episodes - some are light and some are scary... they do not think they are epileptic seizures but rather stress seizures.. We will find out more from the doctors in the morning. We are grateful to be here and pray to find some answers and relief for Ricki tomorrow.