Saturday, January 28, 2017

I am fine....

2017 started off somewhat similar to 2016...Ricki began having chest pains on the left side that radiate down her left arm to her fingertips.  In addition, the pain wraps around into her back and down her left leg to the bottom of her foot. Initially when her foot was hurting she would hobble but now just walks. When I ask if the pain has improved she responds that it hasn't she is just used to it. I am in awe of her strength and resiliency. She is scheduled for a MRI this next week and then we will go from there.  We are also in the process of fighting with our insurance to get authorization for botox and nerve blocks for Ricki to hopefully give her some relief.

I came across this picture and it made me think of Ricki no matter how much pain she is in she always tells me she is fine :)