The life of Neurofibromatosis type 2 continues to be quite the adventure. Even with wonderfully skilled surgeons it never seems to get any easier sending your daughter off for surgery to have a tumor removed. From our experience it always comes at a cost to our sweet daughter. They had us walk her to the hall of the operating room and give her a hug goodbye. She had an amazing red headed nurse that reminded her of her brothers. He was cheerful,and had a sense of humor. He asked her what her favorite genre of music was and she said "Disney" of course .. He asked he if it was like Hanah Montanna and she let him know it was more show tunes like Lion Kimg. When she got into the operating room they had "Lion King" playing.. It cheered Ricki's mood and they continued to make it light hearted and fun before she went off to sleep. Rick and I waited from about 7:00 a.m. until about 2:30. Dr. Mahan felt the surgery had been very successful. One of his biggest concerns were her lungs. The tumor was sitting right on top of her left lung. He said one of the best moments in her surgery was when they pushed air into her lungs and her lung filled showing there had not been any damage to her lung. One of their other concerns was damage to her nerves. Dr. Mahan did say that he thought he had got most of the tumor. There was an area where there were a lot of nerves and he couldn't tell if they were just swollen or if there was tumor tissues mixed in with them. He said if it were tumor tissue he wouldn't have removed it anyway because of the damage it would have done. She did lose some function in her left hand but they are hopeful it will come back.
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