Sunday, July 3, 2016

Hoping for Better Days Ahead

Just over a week ago Ricki started having laughing seizures. When she first started we found it humorous and had fun joking with Ricki about them. On Tuesday we started her on the seizure medicine Keppra. It seemed to start working right off the bat and she didn't have a seizure on Wednesday. She had a seizure on Thursday and on Friday but Saturday she started having both the laughing and non-epileptic seizures. She started complaining that her head was feeling funny and making her think of doing weird things like leaning out the upstsirs window which scared her and she didn't want to be alone. She progressively got worse as the day went on,  she was not herself and was singing, rattling nonsense things, and crying that she didn't feel good. These were combined with all her seizures . She was having the laughing seizures and frequent nonepileptic seizures. We called the neurologist on call and she had us stop giving Ricki the Keppra and increase her Topomax, 

Today was a better day. She complained all day of her head feeling weird and hurting and she has had multiple twitches and frequent non-epileptic seizures throughout the day but no laughing seizures.  She walked out to,the car several times to try to get me to take her to the hospital. It breaks our hearts seeing her so miserable and not being able to help her other than sit by her and hold her hand. 

As the day comes to a close it is more peaceful and  Ricki seems to be back with us and acting normal again. We are hoping for better days ahead.